New study shows connection between child maltreatment and e-cigarette use in young adults

Jun 17, 2019

E-cigarette use has now overtaken cigarette use among American teens, partially because they view e-cigarette use as lower in risk. Many young adults who have experienced abuse or neglect in their childhood struggle with substance abuse, including nicotine dependence; however, we are still learning about why this connection exists, including whether e-cigarettes should be included in the discussion.

Our study tested the association between child maltreatment (CM) and e‐cigarette use, including potential pathways that link the two together. We found that CM was significantly associated with lifetime e‐cigarette use and negative urgency (NU; a subscale of impulsivity), whereas NU and sensation seeking were significantly related to lifetime e‐cigarette use. Finally, NU fully mediated the relationship between CM and lifetime e‐cigarette use and could be a potential pathway linking the two.

Our findings suggest that addressing impulsive behaviors in young adults with a history of CM may be useful in preventing their use of e-cigarettes and all the consequences that come along with nicotine use.